Gold - David Johnston - Revive Local Locations

Discussion in 'Photo Tutorials' started by mr.c, 9 Aug 2024.

  1. mr.c

    mr.c Master

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    14 Dec 2023
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    Class Description:
    Embark on a captivating journey of exploration and creativity as you learn the art of discovering and photographing hidden landscape gems right in your own backyard with our immersive course. Whether you're a seasoned photographer looking to expand your portfolio or a beginner eager to explore the world of landscape photography, this course will equip you with the skills and knowledge to uncover stunning locations and capture them in all their glory.

    In this dynamic course, you will discover expert techniques and strategies for finding new landscape photography locations near you. From utilizing online resources and apps to scouting in-person and tapping into local knowledge, you will learn how to uncover hidden gems that are waiting to be captured through your lens. Explore a wide range of landscapes, from urban parks and waterfronts to rural vistas and forest trails, and learn how to identify unique features and perspectives that make for compelling compositions.

    But discovering new locations is just the beginning. In the field, you will learn how to approach and photograph these landscapes with creativity and finesse. Discover expert tips for scouting vantage points, framing your shots, and capturing the essence of a location through your photographs. From mastering exposure and composition to harnessing natural light and weather conditions, you will gain the skills and confidence to create stunning landscape images that showcase the beauty of your surroundings.

    Throughout the course, you will have the opportunity to put your newfound knowledge into practice through hands-on shooting assignments and field trips led by experienced instructors. Receive personalized feedback and guidance as you explore different locations, experiment with various techniques, and refine your skills as a landscape photographer.

    But the journey doesn't end when you put your camera away. In the post-processing phase of the course, you will learn how to enhance and refine your landscape images to bring out their full potential. Discover professional editing techniques for optimizing exposure, color, and contrast, and learn how to create striking and impactful images that leave a lasting impression on viewers.

    Whether you're shooting in your own neighborhood or venturing further afield, this course will inspire you to see the beauty in the world around you and capture it in all its glory. Join us on this transformative journey and unlock the secrets of discovering and photographing hidden landscape treasures near you.

    By the end of this course, you will emerge with the skills, confidence, and inspiration to uncover and capture stunning landscape images wherever your adventures take you. Don't miss this opportunity to expand your horizons as a landscape photographer and create images that truly speak to the beauty of the world around you.

    Revive Local Locations Part 1
    In this section, we'll discover what we will learn in Revive Local Locations and start to understand why local locations are so important to your photography.

    Revive Local Locations Part 2
    In this part, we'll dive deep into Google search, Google Earth, and Facebook to discover how we can use these free tools to find and scout locations before we even visit them.

    Revive Local Locations Part 3

    In this part of Revive Local Locations, we'll talk about how you can use what you learned in part 2 to maximize your scouting when you are in the location and you will learn a challenge that will maximize how many different photos you can get out of each location.

    Runtime around 1h in total

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  2. curiousdude

    curiousdude Gold Nova

    Gold Member No Limit
    8 Jan 2024
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    Appreciate ya!
  3. puppetwarp

    puppetwarp Gold Nova

    Gold Member No Limit
    16 Feb 2018
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    Thanks a lot.
  4. redpando

    redpando New Member

    6 Nov 2021
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    Thank you :)