Request Lee Varis - The 10-Channel Workflow

Discussion in 'Photo Requests' started by Jupiter, 23 Dec 2023.

  1. Jupiter

    Jupiter Gold

    Gold Member No Limit
    10 May 2021
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    The 10-channel workflow takes advantage of the channel structure of the digital image to sculpt the tones and contrast of the image in ways that go beyond traditional image adjustments like curves and levels, and even luminosity masks! The cornerstone of this collection of techniques is the concept that any photographic image can exist in any of the three major workspaces in Photoshop: RGB, Lab, and CMYK—resulting in 10 individual channels of differing grayscale luminosity. Each of the different channels can offer something unique for our tone & contrast enhancements. This course examines the use of channel blending to control and enhance color, tone, and contrast to create image enhancements that go well beyond what is possible with normal adjustment techniques. Along the way, we will learn how to:

    • Use the Channel Mixer to create B&W conversions
    • Use the Apply Image command
    • Blend channel luminosity
    • Desaturate shadows
    • Enhance color saturation selectively
    • Darken skies and lighten foliage
    • Lighten or darken skin tones
    • Build complex image enhancements using multiple versions of an image