"Likes" Given/Remaining, Time Remaining Till Restored...

Discussion in 'Help' started by dzinetokyo, 5 Jul 2023.

  1. dzinetokyo

    dzinetokyo Silver IV

    Gold Member No Limit
    25 Mar 2023
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    Probably this has already been asked, and I tried to find a thread but to no avail. Is there a way to find out how many "likes" I have remaining to give? And when used is there a timer till full restoration of 20 likes? Is it an incremental restoration? I apologize for so many questions, but if someone could point me to a thread or simply tell me "tough luck" or to check some user status/setting or display, I would be grateful. Best to all!
  2. Snook

    Snook Master

    Gold Member No Limit
    19 Oct 2022
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    I think it is 20 per 24 hours... They are renewed to 20 after 24 hours, not incremental
  3. dzinetokyo

    dzinetokyo Silver IV

    Gold Member No Limit
    25 Mar 2023
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    I understand the 20 per 24, but one does not use them all at once, and I don't keep a pencil count of how many remain. For example, if one like were used 23 hours ago, does that mean that "like" will be reincarnated in an hour? If so, if the use of likes is scattered over 12 hours. It is hard to keep track of how many are remaining and valid at any point in time. Or is there one time during the day, when likes are refreshed. Please understand that it is not a complaint against the system. I am just poor at accounting and budgeting, and I was wondering how many likes I have at this moment and if there is a way find that number in my account or somewhere... Actually I "like" this system (please don't count this like against my 20) and how the concept of scarcity gives value to the like. It is a quite clever currency.