Lindsay Adler - Profoto - Shape light in color - Lighting with gels

Discussion in 'Photo Tutorials' started by JohnDo, 12 Jun 2022.

  1. JohnDo

    JohnDo Legendary

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    Lindsay Adler - Profoto - Shape light in color - Lighting with gels

    Moody Blues How to guide by Lindsay Adler_resize.jpg

    From the basics of color theory to more advanced color techniques, Lindsay will explore the emotions that different colors evoke. In two scenarios you’ll learn how to use colored gels in a three light setup as a fill light, as well as the main and background light. And you’ll find out how to produce creative effects with water spray and how to change the mood in your photographs by using both warm and cool tones to create two distinct fashion looks. Take a look at some of the stunning results in our course portfolio.

    Lighting skill level: Intermediate

    Duration: 1h 1 min

    1. Course intro
    2. Gear Essentials
    3. Planning the shoot
    4. Moody Blues
    5. Planning the shoot
    6. Fiery reds
    7. Postproduction
    8. Now it's your turn!

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