Gold LinkedIn - Premiere Pro Guru: Multi-Camera Video Editing

Discussion in 'Video Tutorials' started by elvin, 16 Oct 2021.

  1. elvin

    elvin Grand Master

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    15 Feb 2020
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    There are many reasons for shooting with multiple cameras. Perhaps it's to save time or achieve multiple angles. Or it might be to capture what's happening across a large area, like a sports arena or the stage during a concert. Luckily for editors, Adobe Premiere Pro supports editing and syncing footage from multiple cameras in situations like these. The multi-camera editing process in Premiere is similar to live switching that occurs in mobile studios and newsrooms, and helps speed up the post-processing workflow. In this course, Rich Harrington reviews that workflow, showing you how to ingest footage and align it properly, as well as finish your video with color-correction and color-matching techniques.

    Learning objectives
    • Importing files into Premiere Pro
    • Modifying timecode
    • Determining the sync point through timecode, audio, or other methods
    • Creating a multi-camera workspace
    • Editing and finishing the footage

    Skills covered: Adobe Premiere Pro, Video Editing, Multi-camera

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