Gold Luminar AI Templates by Irene Rudnyk

Discussion in 'Photo Effects' started by Andrew989, 6 Jul 2022.

  1. DeepDish

    DeepDish Apprentice I

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    3 May 2021
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    Bummer, still doesn't work for me. Really weird that everything in the program seems to work aside from adding presets. There has to be a way to manually add them to a finder folder.

    Side note, do you have any issues with memory leaks with the program? I've got an M1 Pro with 32GB of memory, and I randomly will get a "you've run out of memory" message when I've been using the program for a while. Sometimes from using one of the AI functions. Sometimes just browsing images. I enjoy using the software so much that I would buy a legit copy, but I'm worried about spending that much money and having to constant quit and open it to keep it functioning.

    Screenshot 2023-03-17 at 12.42.18 PM.jpg Screenshot 2023-03-17 at 12.42.26 PM.jpg Screenshot 2023-03-17 at 12.42.37 PM.jpg
  2. onebrightspark

    onebrightspark Apprentice I

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    29 Sep 2021
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    Have you scrolled down to see if they are in the list - mine are underneath Mother Nature and in a Portrait heading (right hand side - see screenshot) just in case!

    I too thought there would be something in the finder - a folder in users somewhere to place them in but couldn't find anywhere :-(

    Side note - no I haven't had any memory problems and I am running a MacPro (Late 2013) 3.5 Ghz 6 core Intel Xeon E5 with 64 gb of memory but haven't come across that error so seems crazy that on an M1 Pro you are getting that - they are very quick.

    I have heard other people say the same about NEO being slow on AI and I know the AI stuff is pretty memory intensive. Mine isn't super quick but seems to get there after a few seconds or so. I tend to stick to Luminar AI more as I wait for NEO to iron out issues etc. It is worth an investment though to support the guys in Ukraine and is a great bit of software but still use Photoshop and Lightroom. It is the simplicity for quick bits that is good and the AI is great on simply adding a pop to images.

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  3. DeepDish

    DeepDish Apprentice I

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    3 May 2021
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    Yeah, still not there. I found the folder where the presets are stored, but it's not like the clearly labeled ones in my Capture One folder. I'll admit, as fun as the program is to use, it's pretty ridiculous how slow it is on such a fast computer. Nearly everything on this computer is instantaneous, but even sometime as simple as opening a preset folder in Neo takes a few seconds for them to load.
    I haven't tried Luminar AI yet. I originally downloaded Neo just to do some auto spot removal after I realized I had dust spots on about 1000 images, but then I was having fun with it so I kept exploring. I can't even really understand what the difference between them is aside from Neo being able to automatically remove stuff like dust and power lines.
    You'd think they'd just put it all together in one program instead of having it so confusing to the point that there are tons of articles and YouTube videos trying to explain the difference between their line of software.
    I think my favorite feature is how it separates the contrast between highlights, midtones, and shadows. That alone almost makes it worth dealing with how slow it is.
    Screenshot 2023-03-17 at 8.08.48 PM.png
  4. onebrightspark

    onebrightspark Apprentice I

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    29 Sep 2021
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    Just on the off chance in the account (for legit version) there are two download options - one for intel and one for M1 - just worth mentioning just in case you have intel causing probs.

    Luminar AI is also older and better on my intel at least but Neo is latest with more and more features.

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  5. apolonator

    apolonator Apprentice II

    19 Jul 2023
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    Many thanks!