Lynda - Storyboarding in 3D with Storyboard Pro

Discussion in 'Other Related Downloads' started by pamscot, 16 Sep 2020.

  1. pamscot

    pamscot Grand Master

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    12 Oct 2018
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    Storyboarding in 3D with Storyboard Pro

    Storyboard Pro is the leading storyboard software around the world. But it has 3D capabilities that many storyboard artists have never even explored. Being able to integrate 3D objects and 3D camera moves allows directors and story artists to create strong previsualizations that are closer to their original vision. In this course, Mark Simon—a storyboard artists for shows like The Walking Dead—teaches you how to accurately represent 3D objects and 3D camera moves in Storyboard Pro. Discover how to use 3D tools, navigate in 3D space, set up a 3D library, import 3D models, position and animate 3D cameras, and convert scenes to 3D. Plus, learn how to move between dimensions: rendering 3D models in 2D, adding 2D art to 3D scenes, and more.
    Topics include:
    • Bringing 3D models into storyboards
    • Navigating in 3D space
    • Rendering 3D objects as 2D layers
    • Animating 3D objects
    • Creating 2D art on a 3D surface
    • Animating 2D art in a 3D scene
    • Troubleshooting 3D objects and scenes in Storyboard Pro

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    a2dols, rgainz and marcusfellows like this.