Master High Dynamic Range Photography

Discussion in 'Skillshare' started by Arina, 21 Apr 2023.

  1. Arina

    Arina Guest

    Hello all and Welcome!

    Wishing you could get the best image from any sunrise and sunset? Do you end up with silhouettes more often than you'd like? Do you understand the concept of HDR but just want to do a better job in post processing? Look no further because I'm going to cover it ALL!

    Cameras have come a very long way since the earliest digital images were captured. The Dynamic Range, range of shadows to highlights in a single image, that can be captured has expanded greatly. However, there are still situations in which the camera can not capture all of those highlight and shadow details in a single image and we're faced with having to sacrifice either of the two. We either blow out the highlights or clip the shadows, resulting in images that don't represent what we were able to see with our own eyes in the field.

    You're Going to Learn:

    • What Dynamic range and High dynamic range are
    • How to use your Histogram to ensure you capture all the details in a scene
    • How to collect HDR "sets" in the field
    • How to minimize ghosting by using the built in systems in your own camera for HDR capture
    • How to capture HDR coastal scenes
    • How to use Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop to automatically put your HDR sets together
    • Pitfalls of Auto HDR software
    • How to Manually Blend two images in Photoshop for natural looking HDR images
    I'll see you in class!

  2. Lugee

    Lugee Gold Nova

    No Limit
    31 Mar 2022
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