Master the Fundamentals of Landscape Photography Editing with Adobe Photoshop - Part 1

Discussion in 'Skillshare' started by Arina, 21 Apr 2023.

  1. Arina

    Arina Guest

    Hey landscape photographers! Have you ever felt intimidated or confused about how to use Adobe Photoshop to edit your images?

    Photoshop is the best program you can use to edit your photos, and it is significantly more powerful than Lightroom alone, but the complexity of Photoshop can be intimidating and confusing, especially to beginners.

    This course is designed for photographers who want to take their landscape photography to the next level by learning how to use Adobe Photoshop to enhance and refine their images.

    In this beginner friendly course, you will learn the fundamentals of Photoshop and how to apply them specifically to landscape photography, including:

    • How to navigate and setup your Photoshop workspace.
    • An optimized workflow for opening your photos into Photoshop from Adobe Bridge and Camera RAW.
    • The best tools for landscape photographers and how to use them.
    • How to use layers to make non-destructive edits to an image.
    • How to create and refine selections of an image.
    • How to use layer masks to make targeted adjustments to an image.
    • Tips and tricks for efficient and effective photo editing in Photoshop.
    • Lots more!
    This course is for:

    • Photographers and photography enthusiasts of all levels, including beginners.
    • Anyone who feels intimidated by Photoshop.
    • Anyone who wants to improve their photography using post-processing techniques.
    • Photographers who already use Lightroom but would like integrate Photoshop into their workflow.
    • Advanced photographers who want to improve their skills and knowledge of Photoshop.
    What are the requirements for take this course?

    • Adobe Photoshop downloaded to your computer.
