Gold Max Rive - Photoshop Sunstar Creation Tutorial - Evil Gathering

Discussion in 'Photo Tutorials' started by mr.c, 19 May 2024.

  1. mr.c

    mr.c Master

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    14 Dec 2023
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    Max Rive presents, 2 of his most creative techniques in this new Photoshop editing and post processing tutorial. The first technique is his creative, yet perfect focus stacking merging. His second editing technique is his manually sunstar creation technique (a 2023 NEW technique!). His focus stacking technique removes any visible merging lines that comes with the out of focus foreground. This even allows you to take photos handheld instead of a tripod. The sunstar editing and post processing technique is very easy to implement - you just need to know the secret. Just look at the before and after slider and judge it yourself! This brand-new editing and post processing tutorial comes with an introduction discount for a limited time only.

    Manual Focus Stack
    Learn how to merge handheld taken focus stacked images together. With this technique you don't have to use a tripod anymore. No merging line visible!

    Exposure Blend
    This image is an exposure blend which allows you to create a perfectly exposued image. The light was very difficult - with the bright sun shining into the lens.

    Create a Sunstar
    Sometimes a sunstar is impossible - such as here where a thin layer of clouds was blocking the sun for 50%. The sun was visible with the naked eye - just not captured on the lens. Learn how to create your own sunstar!

    Techniques you will learn

    Focus Stack - This technique is using handheld taken photos. The problem with doing a focus stack is not taken them - but merging them. Especially with a nearby foreground object - the photo for the background in focus will have a big blur on the part where you have the heavily out of foucs foreground. Max found an easy way to solve this - the technique is creative and easy - the results are perfect!

    Exposure Blend - Sometimes you have to shoot directly into a bright sun. That was the case when Max took this photo. There was only one solution in order to come with a clean image. Max had to take 2 different exposures and block the sun with his hand. Blend them together with color control and highlight removal. No visible merging!

    Adding Depth between layers - There are always layers between mountains - both big and small - you just need the light to see them. Learn how to help and enhance this with many different techniques Max created and fine-tuned over the years. In this Sunstar Creation tutorial - Max will demonstrate how to both have the light from the sun, and the added depth between the layers. Simply look at the before and after!

    Length 2h40min
    Level Advanced

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  2. egom

    egom New Member

    10 Jul 2021
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    @mr.c once again, Thank you very much!!
    mr.c likes this.