Meg Bitton Zero to Legal Business

Discussion in 'Photo Tutorials' started by lkngood, 27 Dec 2018.

  1. lkngood

    lkngood Supreme Elite

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    Zero to Legal Business
    I am joining together with Rachel Brenke (The LawTog) to help you establish and expand your business safely, legally and successfully! Join us for this recorded workshop where we will cover in depth the issues that you need to consider when starting and running a business.

    1. Protection Tools – We will discuss the steps required to form and operate a LEGAL business. We will help you get started in business with your best foot forward and a firm plan for the future. This includes business formation options, insurance needs and contract best practices.

    2. Intellectual Property (Trademarks, Copyright) – In today’s digital world, many people are confused by the concepts involved in producing, owning and using images. Who is allowed to share and/or modify your images. What are your rights as the photographer, and what rights do the subjects of your images enjoy? We can help you to understand your rights and responsibilities with regards to the use of your work and protect yourself from people who may try to use your work improperly.

    3. Working with others – Working with others in business is one of the best ways to become more efficicet and offer a better services to your clients. However, simple outsourcing or hiring can cause a host of issues. We will discuss the legal ways to work with others so you don’t get caught in a legal net. This includes from getting a logo made, shooting with other vendors, to styled shoots.

    4. Sticking to your contract with your workflow – Nailing down a solid workflow that not only provides customer service but fulfills your contractual duties is important. It will increase client confidence, protect you legally and help you to maintain control of your business so you can also have a life!

    5. Marketing Legalities – What is the best way to attract clients and draw attention to your business? How can you make YOUR business stand out among all of the other Photographers who seem to be popping up everywhere you turn? Join us as we discuss tips and tricks for gaining and keeping a large, satisfied client base. Learn to market your business in a way that is attractive to your intended audience.


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  2. mdouglasphoto

    mdouglasphoto New Member

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    Reup possible?
  3. lkngood

    lkngood Supreme Elite

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    17 Jun 2018
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    link is up