Dead Megacurso de Illustrator: Pro en 35h

Discussion in 'Other Related Downloads' started by elvin, 5 Apr 2020.

  1. elvin

    elvin Grand Master

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    15 Feb 2020
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    Illustrator Pro megacourse in 35h. With this Illustrator Megacourse you will COMPLETELY dominate this wonderful vector design program. You do not need to have any knowledge, because it starts from scratch. to 100!

    This Illustrator Megacourse is everything you need to master this extraordinary graphic design program from scratch, through more than 35 hours of video classes in which ALL the tools and techniques are explained in detail so that someone who has never used the program can pass at a professional level in a very short time.


    1. Introduction to Illustrator: Start learning Illustrator from scratch in the style of LosMegacursos: with a Megaproject! Learn how to create a logo from modular typography and design your business card, envelopes and personal stationery for your future new company.
    2. Nike® Shoes: Get more proficient in Illustrator by creating a beautiful vector shoe from sketch – a spectacular project to give you strength and encouragement on the long road ahead.
    3. Practice with primitive geometries: Illustration of a modern mandala from primitive geometries combined and fused to achieve a very strong optical result, also introducing you to combinatorial color theories.
    4. Project Class 1: Geometric Character: Throughout the course we have included a large number of Project classes so that you finish the agenda with an incredible portfolio and very practical knowledge. In this case we will create a character with geometric features.
    5. The power of the line in illustration: The line is the beginning of many vectorial works, and can also be its main element. Discover its potential over 10 different mini projects!
    6. The different selections in Illustrator: Make big changes with a single click and discover the best ways to organize elements in your projects so that certain actions affect only certain layers. A delight!
    7. The use of brushes: Illustrator offers hundreds of tools to customize your brushes and achieve any type of continuous and expandable effect. Practice them throughout all the projects that we propose.
    8. Class Project 2: Butterflies: Creation of a butterfly with drawing tools that we use together to develop organic geometry with a special focus on nature.
    9. Path control in Illustrator: Taking advantage of one of the most powerful tools that the program offers us to create impossible shapes and results from paths and basic shapes.
    10. The color in the illustrations: The beauty before the human eye is highly conditioned to the color of our designs. Learn the best techniques to create images of extraordinary beauty.
    11. Organize projects by layers: How to order our projects to be more efficient and thus be able to carry out images of much greater complexity.
    12. Class Project 3: Modern lines: Creation of a very powerful visual for advertising with which we will review all the techniques taught so far. Our favorite project of the entire Megacourse!
    13. Transforming objects in Illustrator: Altering and stylizing shape are essential techniques for achieving highly unconventional results with Illustrator. Practice with them and you will understand what we mean.
    14. Modification of elements: Modify elements in a controlled and attractive way to achieve much more dynamic results that suggest different sensations (dynamism, professionalism, etc.) to the public of your works.
    15. The combination and fusion of illustrations: Dynamic transitions can help us create elements impossible to design otherwise. Master all the fusion tools and achieve amazing results.
    16. Class Project 4: Sweetness: Illustration a sweet world with candies and treats. Learn how to design beautifully stylized, dreamy scenes.
    17. Text tool: Creation of typographic blocks, treatment of paragraphs and handling of the type in Illustrator. Because Illustrator is more powerful than 10 Word together.
    18. Spectacular effects I: Illustrator offers us a large number of effects to give our scenes a lot of vitality. Discover them.
    19. Spectacular Effects II: Learn how to use more complex effects like 3D extrusions and forced perspectives to make your projects look spectacular and different from other designers.
    20. Class Project 5: Smartphone and APPS: Probably one of the most spectacular projects that we will create during this Illustrator Megacourse “Pro in 35h”: a modern mobile with a trail of Apps floating on it. Perfect for advertising.
    21. Photoshop Effects: Raster and pixel effects in the vector world can be powerful and deliver exceptionally dynamic results.
    22. The usefulness of symbols: To work with a high level of productivity, the continuous use of symbols is almost essential: perfect wildcards to work with more speed and precision.
    23. Perspective drawing: One of the most specific uses given to Illustrator, due to the great tools it makes available to us to enjoy limitless 3D drawing.
    24. Project Class 6: 3D Illustration: Test your new knowledge of 3D drawing with these perfect illustration techniques with a great Project class.
    25. Advanced tools: Modification of the thickness and the gradients in the stroke. Create complex and repetitive motifs easily
    26. Advanced tools II: How to convert your sketches into vectors with the image caco and how to fill them with the interactive paint.
    27. Advanced Tools III: Paint intuitively and realistically with bristle brushes. Practice with the shape creation tool.
    28. Class Project 7: The Great Summer: Creating a summer illustration and using material from other software.
    29. Graphics and Infographics in Illustrator: Create precise and complex graphics with a lot of personality perfect for all kinds of advertising work and digital art.
    30. Web-focused tools: Although always with a more select focus, Illustrator is widely used in the web development industry for web layout and animations.
    31. Class Project 8: Author Illustration: Finish your first 35 hours and get ready for master's degrees with this great bridging project in which we will create a spectacular vector art scene.

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    Last edited by a moderator: 26 Oct 2022
    getares17, psymov, LlunaReus and 6 others like this.
  2. psymov

    psymov New Member

    25 Apr 2020
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    link broken.
  3. VENOM

    VENOM Moderator

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    7 Dec 2018
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    @elvin Can you please fix the link?