Mindful Photography for Beginners Learning the Basics of Photography and Mindfulness https://www.udemy.com/course/photo-practices-for-mindfulness/ Requirements Any type of camera that allows for practicing partial and full manual mode. If you only have a smartphone camera, you can still complete many of the assignments, but I must warn you that you wouldn't be able to fully benefit from the course. Description Firstly, you will learn the basic elements of Photography and be introduced to camera settings, lighting, composition, and the fundamentals of different types of Photography. After that, you will study awareness, compassion, gratitude and other notions that are the foundation for a mindful lifestyle. Later in the course, you will then combine both Photography and Mindfulness together, and finally complete a series of hands-on photo practice exercises. After finishing this course, you will be more equipped both in theory and practice, taking your image-making to the next level. COVID-19 PANDEMIC SPECIAL NOTE: I hope you and your loved ones are staying safe. Although physically apart, we must all come together. I am sending my wishes of health, compassion and kindness to everyone around our planet. We can do this. - Luisa Who this course is for: People interested in both Photography and Mindfulness Hidden Content: **Hidden Content: You must click 'Like' before you can see the hidden data contained here.**