Minor Photography: Connecting Deleuze and Guattari to Photography Theory [PDF]

Discussion in 'Other Related Downloads' started by Nikon4life, 31 Oct 2020.

  1. Nikon4life

    Nikon4life Legendary

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    26 Jan 2020
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    Minor Photography: Connecting Deleuze and Guattari to Photography Theory
    by Mieke Bleyen (Editor)


    The notion of the minor, developed by Gilles Deleuze and Fâelix Guattari in 'Kafka, towards a minor literature' (1975), is introduced and connected applied here for the very first time to the field of photography theory. Deleuze and Guattari defined minor literature in terms of "deterritorialization", "politicization" and "collectivization". By transferring 'the minor' to the medium of photography, this book enlarges the idea of 'the minor' and opens it up to all kinds of mutations in the process. The essays gathered in this book discuss the ways in which photography can make the dominant codes of representation stammer and how it can produce new effects and address people yet to come. The authors consider 'the minor' as a valuable tool to help photography research move beyond, or in between, binary and hierarchized ways of thinking (of high and low art, for example, or centre and periphery). As such, it aims to contribute to a rethinking of photography as multiplicity and variation.

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