Monochromatic PRO - 20 Lightroom Presets

Discussion in 'Lightroom Presets' started by tombol, 2 Dec 2019.

  1. tombol

    tombol Skilled

    Gold Member No Limit
    9 Feb 2018
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    9a56d082-bd66-42e2-8d56-3acc4a9461b0.jpeg The perfect tool to take your creativity to the next level!

    Sometimes color is a distraction. It takes attention away from the visual building blocks of a great photo; texture, tonal contrast, shape, form and lighting.

    A photographer shooting in black and white has to learn how to use all these elements to create a memorable image.

    Now you can make it easy using our best 20 presets for Adobe Lightroom to turn your photos in dreaming and stunning black and white with just a click of the mouse.

    In the package you’ll find our best presets for matte B&W, high contrast B&W, low contrast B&W, toned B&W, aged B&W and much more!

    Inside the package
    20 Monochromatic Presets for Adobe Lightroom.

    Lightroom compatibility
    Our Lightroom presets has been successfully tested with Adobe Lightroom 4, 5, 6 & Creative Cloud.

    Sources compatibility
    These presets were designed to be used with the following file types: RAW, JPG, PNG, CR2, DNG.

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