More Food Styling for Photographers and Stylists

Discussion in 'Photo eBooks' started by felixfischer, 30 Jun 2018.

  1. felixfischer

    felixfischer Master

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    More Food Styling for Photographers and Stylists


    Thanks to the exploding popularity of food-based television shows (entire networks, even), websites, books, and magazines, food stylists and food photographers are in more demand today than ever before. While there are many amazing opportunities for creative professionals to showcase their work in ads, cookbooks, blogs, and food packaging, there is also more competition for these jobs. Whether you are a food stylist who works alongside photographers or a food photographer yourself, you'll find everything you need to know to give your portfolio that little extra push in this expert guide by three professionals with decades of experience in each field. More Food Styling for Photographers covers topics that Linda, Jean Ann, and Brad's fans have been asking for, such as shooting food on location, working with packaged foods, building the perfect breakfast shot, and more. Clients and foodies eat with their eyes first, so don't be afraid to play with your food - make sure it's YOUR image that whets their appetite!

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  2. Thunder

    Thunder Legendary

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    A working link for
    More Food Styling for Photographers and Stylists

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    grenice, Nikon4life, ken and 10 others like this.