Motion Graphics for Branding Identity DOMESTICA

Discussion in 'Video Tutorials' started by white871, 12 Aug 2020.

  1. white871

    white871 Gold

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    You will begin this course knowing Guillermo Zapiola, his beginnings in graphic design and how he came to the world of motion graphics and animation for projects of branding . You will also discover its main references and influences.

    You will start the pre-production phase of your project. You will collect relevant information about your client to enter the context, search for references that you like related or not with the brand and then develop a moodboard with all the documentation collected.

    You will see the possibilities and scope of your motion branding to create a powerful graphic system. In that same order of ideas, Guillermo will share different learnings to give personality to your assignment.

    You will develop the design based on a defined concept and perform different sketches enhancing the characteristics of the brand, seeking harmony between all the elements.

    You will go from the static image to the animation. You will learn to define the tools and prepare the files to work with them in Adobe After Effects and Cinema 4D.

    You will perform different animation tests to define the spirit of the project with the basic principles of motion , you will apply effects and plugins to finally export and preview in context.

    Finally, Guillermo will give you some tips to improve your presentations and be much more effective in your work.

    What is this course's project?
    You will develop the design and animation of 4 pieces of an animated identity system for a fictitious client. Guillermo will give you 4 briefs to choose from, each one with different brand attributes to exploit in a graphic and animated way.