Gold craftsy-Moving Between Lightroom & Photoshop: Edit Fast, Edit Smart with Lesa Snider

Discussion in 'Photo Tutorials' started by xiaoyuer, 16 Nov 2020.

  1. xiaoyuer

    xiaoyuer Master

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    Moving Between Lightroom & Photoshop: Edit Fast, Edit Smart with Lesa Snider

    Develop an efficient workflow in Lightroom and Photoshop with guidance from author and Photoshop expert Lesa Snider. To begin, find out which program to use for each of your image-editing tasks. Then, explore setup requirements for passing high-quality files between programs and make file-naming a breeze by customizing your conventions. Lesa shows you how to make edits in Lightroom and how to send files back to Photoshop for special effects. She even shares a few of these programs’ must-see “superpowers.” Next, learn how to pass files as smart objects and scale or add filters without damaging your original file. Finally, learn how to use both programs to retouch your images and find out how to use Lightroom to showcase both your work and your URL. Plus, discover how to turn a slideshow into a movie with just a few simple tricks!
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