The Ultimate Zoom Utility for Davinci Resolve! - Standard Simple (super fast!) Zoom In/Out - Multi Zooms! Unlimited Zoom Workflow - Masking with borders and custom effects - Adjust the Pitch/Yaw/Roll to give a 3D effect effortlessly There's even a built in Tracker, Preset Creator and more! Everything is quick, simple & easy to use with On Screen controls! and The only tool you'll need to create quick, simple, reusable, automated Animations in Davinci Resolve - Whips, Zooms, Spins, Dissolves and more - Selects Ins, Outs and middle animations - Combine all the different animations to create your own custom effects - Customisable Curves, with timing No more Keyframes! Wahey! Plus SAVE your own directly back into the Effects Library! PW pvclub Hidden Content: **Hidden Content: You must click 'Like' before you can see the hidden data contained here.**