Other Language Natalia Blitzen - Large Winter Action Set

Discussion in 'Photo Tutorials' started by Евгений, 28 Jun 2019.

  1. Евгений

    Евгений Gold

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    7 Feb 2019
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    Natalia Blitzen - Large Winter Action Set
    Action Pack for Photoshop
    In this set you will find absolutely everything you need for a perfect winter photo;
    The set includes 24 action to create a winter photo;
    With the help of action games you can make a frosty winter;
    With the help of actions you can make blue shades;
    With the help of actions you can make blue shades;
    With the help of action games you can make a warm winter;
    With the help of actions you can make the photo clean (get rid of the unpleasant gray tint);
    With the help of action games you can add a frosty blush in less than a second .
    With the help of action games you can achieve pure skin tone;
    With the help of action games you can achieve aerial perspective on the photo;
    In one click you will be able to achieve snow photography (the effect of snowfall);
    How to make a frosty steam effect;
    How to add volume to a winter photo;
    In one click, you will achieve a ringing sharpness of sharpness;
    In less than a minute, your photos will turn into winter masterpieces;
    The kit contains related materials to quickly add bokeh / highlights;
    The action package includes a detailed video instruction on the application;
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  2. umatpati

    umatpati Master

    Gold Member No Limit
    31 Oct 2019
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    Thanks so much....
    jeev2008 and Евгений like this.