Gold Nature Photographers Network - John Barclay - "Dream - Believe - Create"

Discussion in 'Photo Tutorials' started by curiousdude, 21 May 2024.

  1. curiousdude

    curiousdude Gold Nova

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    8 Jan 2024
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    Dream - Believe - Create
    Why Dream – Believe – Create? There was a time when I felt I could not create. My self-talk was, I am not a creative person, I’m not smart enough, I can’t do this. After seeing images projected at the first workshop I took, I dreamed of becoming a good photographer. Primarily with the help of well known accomplished photographers and especially my mentor Nancy Rotenberg and later Dan Sniffin, I was able to chip away at the negative self talk and believe that I could create worthwhile images. Thus Dream – Believe – Create has become the centerpiece of what I teach in my workshops. I believe that everyone has dreams and can achieve their dreams. I also believe that when you truly believe, you will be liberated to be able to create.

    The process and journey required to create images feeds my soul and brings me great joy. My goal in this presentation is to inspire you to capture the essence of the subjects you are drawn to using the creative medium of photography. This might entail capturing a small intimate portion of a scene. It might involve more creative techniques such as multiple exposures or intentional camera movement for a more expressive interpretation. I will also touch on the digital darkroom including the popular HDR (High Dynamic Range) technology and how having a keen understanding of these can help you achieve your artistic vision. Numerous examples will be shown which include traditional nature scenes as well as more abstract and urban compositions. We will explore the beauty in both the grand scale as well as more intimate details. The ideas presented in this program have application to any genre of photography.

    I believe like Ansel Adams, photographers bring to their images their own journeys, their sense of the world, their experiences and their passions. For me photography is simply another medium of artistic expression, visual poetry if you will.
    My hope is that after spending time together you will leave inspired to create images that make your heart sing!

    I hope you’ll join me for this presentation! See you soon!

    John Barclay is an award winning freelance photographer based in Bucks County, PA. John is a passionate photographer and enthusiastic workshop leader. He is also an inspirational speaker, presenting his program Dream – Believe – Create to audiences around the world. John’s work has been published in a number of books and magazines and is treasured by a number of private collectors. Recently, John was the recipient of an excellence award from B&W Magazine and was chosen by Dewitt Jones to participate in his program. John is respected for his processing knowledge and well known for his Topaz and Nik Software webinars. You can see his work and view his workshop schedule at

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  2. mr.c

    mr.c Master

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    14 Dec 2023
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    Thank you!
  3. curiousdude

    curiousdude Gold Nova

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    8 Jan 2024
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    You're welcome!