Gold craftsy-Night Photography with Lance Keimig

Discussion in 'Photo Tutorials' started by xiaoyuer, 22 Nov 2020.

  1. xiaoyuer

    xiaoyuer Master

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    1 Apr 2018
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    Night Photography with Lance Keimig

    Add impressive night photography to your repertoire with guidance from renowned night photographer Lance Keimig. First, learn about the history of this relatively new photographic process and get Lance’s recommendations on equipment you should save on and splurge on. Then, Lance heads to the historic ghost town of Bodie, California, to show you the essentials of exposure, composition, focus, and white balance for exceptional results. Next, learn the ins and outs of your digital camera to capture the mystery and beauty of the starry sky and experiment with long exposure and light painting for unique results. Finally, Lance shares post-processing techniques to amplify your images and showcase your professional-quality finished night photos.

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    Zully, Anyád, anvictra and 13 others like this.