Hidden Content: **Hidden Content: You must click 'Like' before you can see the hidden data contained here.** Not tested because I do not use windows. Uploaded for people that request the version for win.
I own both and am running the latest versions and the plugin works fine. Actually, better than the previous version. It shouldn't make a difference but I own the plugin as well.
yeah wierd. when i install it shows LR/PS as where it will install plugins to but thats it. will try a reinstall of all
Keeping track of the various, and disparate, needs of pirated software is a PITA so I own all of that. Luckily, tutorials don't care about that sort of thing.
yep its a pain wish i had the funds to just pay for it all. i own few things and add over time got it working now just had to manually override and direct it to the LR and PS folders