ON1 Resize 2021 ▸ 15.1.0 (Mac)

Discussion in 'Photo Effects' started by jboi, 4 Feb 2021.

  1. jboi

    jboi Apprentice III

    3 May 2020
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    ON1 Resize (formerly known as Perfect Resize Standard) is a straightforward image resizing application that provides a set of tools designed to help you get your pictures ready for print. Organize & Resize. ON1 Resize just got a whole lot better. The NEW ON1 Resize now includes one of the fastest ways to view, cull, and edit photos–ON1 Browse.

    It's the new starting point for your editing and resizing workflow.

    Screen Shot 2021-02-04 at 08.57.58.png

    ON1 Resize uses the Genuine Fractals technology in order to provide high quality image enlargements without the loss of details or sharpness in your pictures.
    From ON1 Resize’s main window, you can go through your picture collection and preview your images with ease. What is more, ON1 Resize helps you browse pictures stored in Dropbox, Google Driver, OneDrive or iCloud Photo Stream.

    Screen Shot 2021-02-04 at 08.57.43.png
    More info: https://www.on1.com/products/resize/
    OS: macOS 10.12 or later 64 bit

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