One Full Video Split into Sections

Discussion in 'Lounge' started by Nicky P, 20 Apr 2020.


Would splitting one full tutorial video into sections be useful?

  1. Yes

    0 vote(s)
  2. No

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  1. Nicky P

    Nicky P Gold Nova

    No Limit
    22 Feb 2018
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    Trophy Points:
    Hello all,

    I wanted to see how many would be interested in the option of having tutorials that are offered as one video file to be split into sections based on chapters, lessons, sections, etc.?

    I have recently downloaded the tutorials offered by Liquidverve, which are great, but she seems to only offer them as one large file that I have taken the time to split into chapters to make it easier to go back to a specific section.

    If this could be useful to many, how do we think it would be best offered? As part of the link to the original post or a separate link also offered on the original post? Of course maintaining the non-gold or gold status to keep things consistent.

    I would be happy to separate videos like this as often as I can to help do my part for this awesome site and community!
