These five hundred photographs are a unique and exuberant record of Bauhaus activities and experiments during the 1920s and early 1930s. Significantly, most of the photographs were taken by artists - painters such as Fritz Kuhr and Werner Siedhoff, designers Heinz Loew and Herbert Bayer, Bauhaus masters Hannes Meyer and Joosst Schmidt - who were not selfconscious photographers but who wanted to work with a new technological product. Egidio Marzona has assembled the world's foremost collection of works on paper documenting the revolutionary efforts of the Bauhaus. Marzona is also a well-known publisher of books on Russian Constructivism, Futurism, De Stijl, Dadaism, and a host of other movements and figures of the 20th-century avant-garde. Hidden Content: **Hidden Content: You must click 'Like' before you can see the hidden data contained here.**
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