[Peter Coulson - Inspire] Live Archives

Discussion in 'Peter Coulson - Inspire' started by convectuoso, 16 Apr 2018.

  1. convectuoso

    convectuoso Moderator

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    15 Feb 2018
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    PhotoPlus Expo 2017 Seminar: Ditch the Pixel – Finding Passion in Print

    It’s hard to find passion in pixel, but much easier to find passion in prints. Peter Coulson earned the title of “modern-age, black-and-white master of photography” by looking at his photography as art, not as a pixel. In today’s industry, it seems the photography world has turned pixel obsessed. Coulson will discuss why taking your photography back to art will change your perspective and photography practice, resulting in creating your own photographic style.
  2. convectuoso

    convectuoso Moderator

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    15 Feb 2018
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    5th Dec 2017 Q&A

    Things discussed!

    • Going through todays shoot with Tanya (showing all the images, lighting that was used, styling etc)
    • Peter using an adaptor to use other lenes on his Hasselblad X1D
    • Discussing rolling shutters
    • $ lighting vs $$$ lighting
    • Is it important to have a full frame sensor or is crop sensors ok?
    • Calibrating
    • How Peter makes the decision to edit his images
    • Products Peter uses to get shimmer on skin
    • Sonya7r3 questions
    • Discussing the new Rotolight Neos
    • ETTL
  3. convectuoso

    convectuoso Moderator

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    15 Feb 2018
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    11th Jan 2018 Q&A

    Welcome to our first Live Q&A for 2018! During this discussion time, these were the topics and questions:

    – Camera equipment insurance
    – “Where do you sit with “copying somebodies photograph?” “
    – Shooting different face types e.g.: round face, long face etc
    – How are you getting the expressions from the model? are you asking them to look “sad”, “stern”, “sexy”?
    – “Just saying.. Isn’t that illegal to work on a travel visa? or even paying someone who is on a travel visa?”. After reading the comments in the thread I noticed this photographer means people on a “tourist” visa. So are touring photographers and models on a tourist visa breaking immigration laws?
    – “Next step for me, I think is having my own website. Do I put all genres of photography on one site (for me nature, portraits and some cityscapes)? I presumed the best way of getting more portrait material together would be to start doing some shoots with peeps I have photographed in Peter’s workshops. What are the practicalities of that?”
    – Test shoots
    – “In some of the shoots you don’t use a stylist, what are some of the staple clothing item and accessories one should have? Do you go shopping yourself for new items?”
    – “Sorry about being direct but, did Cristina pay for that shoot, since it was a folio, or did you consider that a test shoot? How do you decide when not to charge a model?”
    – “In your latest series of the model being naked laying on the floor, how far are they away from the cyclorama wall, and how far are you from the model? Those images have a very nice depth/dimension to them.”
    – “What do you do when you don’t have inspiration?”
    – “When talking depth Peter do you mean the amount of light on the BG?”
    – “How do you build your usage price for commercial work? Social media, magazine ads, billboards, etc.”
    – “How are you texturing the cyc wall… can you do that for with paper background as well?”
    – “Which is the better route with time. Spend time looking for clients/cold calling etc or builindg a better and better body of work to where they are finding/reaching out to you?”
    Rustyphoto and alex111 like this.
  4. convectuoso

    convectuoso Moderator

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    15 Feb 2018
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    2nd Feb 2018 Competition Winners & Lighting Set Up

    During this Live Stream, we accounded the winners of our 2018 Hasselblad/Peter Coulson Limited Edition Calendars! + a lighting set-up using both Natural Light and Flash Light.
    newrona, alex111 and (deleted member) like this.
  5. convectuoso

    convectuoso Moderator

    Staff Member Lifetime Gold Gold Member No Limit
    15 Feb 2018
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    15th Feb 2018 Q&A + Live Retouch

    Watch Peter retouch which answering your questions! Please skip to 2.20 to start the tutorial (Sorry we had a lot of technical errors!)

    Questions asked:

    • Question for the next Q&A session: What products can we use (if any) to protect the models from sunburn when shooting in that beautiful midday sun that also won’t be obvious in the photo? I.e. are there sunscreen’s that don’t change the models skin tone and won’t shimmer? What about water-fastness, like for a shoot at the beach such as this set with Teisha?
    • Hi Peter & Rozanna, I’m not sure if has been mentioned previously. Now I want to print my own images therefore my question is about, Printing. Obviously you want the best gamut possible, so 1. What about the paper quality? 2. Would you print directly from Photoshop as a Tiff format? I recently bought a Canon Pro1000, I wanted to print out my latest work and images of the family too! (http://www.leswalkling.com Peter mentions this link)
    • Home studios – How to make them not ‘creepy’
    • I already have two NAS servers and Maintaining backups at various locations, do you consider third party cloud services like Crashplan an option? I know that the upload speed connection especially for large volumes of data, potentially is a problem, verses the unlimited storage. What are your thoughts?
    • Which photographers influence you and how did they influence your thinking, photography and career path?
    • Peter do you ever add additional grain to your photos in post?
    • Which is your favorite lens? Why?
    • When you go in one of your travels, what all you take with you? Why?
    • Among the gadgets that you own, is there something that you wish you hadn’t bought? Why?
    • PLUS all peter’s comments on his retouching
    Jupiter, Roxzdaflzr3, alex111 and 2 others like this.