Phlearn Lightroom 101

Discussion in 'Phlearn' started by doer20, 11 Sep 2018.

  1. doer20

    doer20 Skilled

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    22 Apr 2018
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    I will be uploading lightroom 201 soon
    Learn your way around every button, tool, and menu item in the program. Then, follow along with Aaron’s workflow as he edits 25 images from start to finish. This even includes the ins and outs of HDR images and Panoramas.

    Importing and Exporting
    Lightroom 101 starts off exactly as if we opened the program for the first time — completely empty. Learn how to import your photos into Lightroom to make cataloging and editing easier.

    Learn how to create Keyword Presets, Metadata Presets, add Copyright Protection, and convert your RAW files to a more streamlined format. Importing your images into Lightroom correctly will make file organization and image protection easier than ever.

    When you complete your editing process in Lightroom it is time to export your photos. Exporting images from Lightroom involves choosing options from color space to image size and even output sharpening. Learn the correct settings for different types of exports and learn how to create presets.

    Create Multiple Versions of Your Images
    Take advantage of Virtual Copies in Lightroom to create multiple versions of your images. In this tutorial, we create 4 versions of each image, from black and white to cross processed. The next time you deliver images to your client, try including multiple editing variations, they will see them as added value.


    File Structure / Organization / Workflow
    Organizing a few photo shoots is simple, but what happens when you have thousands of photos taken over many years? File structure and organization is a very important part of the photography process many people look over.

    Learn the same file structure used by professional photographers to save time and headaches. From import to export, we make sure everything is well organized!

    High Dynamic Range images combine multiple exposures together to display detail in the highlights, mid-tones, and shadows. HDR is a recent addition to Lightroom (v. CC 2014). In this example we composite a portrait into an HDR image, combining multiple techniques for a stunning final photo.

    A Panorama is made by stitching multiple photos together, making them appear as one large photo. Panoramas are popular with landscape photographers or anyone trying to photograph a large scene. Learn to use Lightroom (V. CC 2014) to combine images into a Panorama.

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