Photoshop 101 – Learn the Foundations

Discussion in 'Skillshare' started by elvin, 19 Sep 2021.

  1. elvin

    elvin Grand Master

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    15 Feb 2020
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    Photoshop is such a huge program that it can be really hard to know where to start. Whilst it’s possible to pick up all sorts Photoshop skills on YouTube, it’s much harder to get a real solid foundation of the key skills on which to build.

    This is where my Photoshop 101 course fits in. This practical hands-on course will teach you the fundamentals of Photoshop quickly and give you an understanding of selections, brushes, layers and more. Most importantly you’ll learn why to use specific approaches as well as how, so your confidence will grow along with your knowledge of the program.

    By the end of the course you’ll have the skills and understanding to work crop photographs, improve their contrast, perform a basic colour correction, apply creative effects with selections and brushes, remove areas of a photograph, check their size for print and resize them for the web. This is the perfect course to give you the foundational skills you need to use Photoshop.–-Learn-the-Foundations/395719242

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