Photoshop Manipulation - Learn From A Pro - Lindsay Marsh

Discussion in 'Skillshare' started by goodbyejaro, 11 Jul 2022.

  1. goodbyejaro

    goodbyejaro Apprentice IV

    28 May 2020
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    Photoshop Manipulation - Learn From A Pro - Lindsay Marsh

    Have you ever wanted to know how to do photoshop manipulations but were intimated by the process? Look no further, I designed this class to be gentle enough for newcomer to photoshop and also those with more intermediate skills. We will learn how to do dynamic changes to hair color, Eye color, conquer photo retouching and explore the power of the liquify tool. We will also explore duotones and gradients and how they can make a big impact on photos.

    Last but not least, we will design a eye catching dynamic social media post using some of our Photoshop Skills. Are you ready to start creating what seems like magic with Adobe Photoshop?

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