Picture Instruments - Warping Wheels 3.0 AE PR [WIN]

Discussion in 'Video Effects' started by m0rpheus, 19 Apr 2023.

  1. m0rpheus

    m0rpheus Master

    Lifetime Gold Gold Member No Limit
    28 Feb 2019
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    The (R)evulution of Color Wheels
    Warping Wheels represent a new generation of color wheels: To optimally adapt the look to your image material, you can not only fine-tune the range of influence of the color wheels in terms of tonal value and spectrum, but also separately control the saturation for different brightness ranges.

    Homepage for more info
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    There's v3 and v1.5 cracks for those who have problems with v3 crack.
    Last edited: 19 Apr 2023
    ba1664, Werben, bilbobaglips and 5 others like this.
  2. m0rpheus

    m0rpheus Master

    Lifetime Gold Gold Member No Limit
    28 Feb 2019
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    Updated to 3.1.0 (Current version) - Aug 5, 2023
    - Compatibility with the latest Adobe and Apple interfaces, especially FxPlug4 support for FCPX
    - Wheel Controls for Skin, Sky, Greenery and Film Contrast
    - Look-Finder
    - Undo/Redo
    - Apple Silicon Support for FCPX and After Effects
    - Retina scaling for Windows
    - Apple Silicon Support for Premiere and Photoshop (FCPX in progress)
    - Cross-host presets
    - LUT export
    - Before/after comparison
    - One button reset
    - Closing without applying
    - Saturation per brightness range
    - Skin tone brightness
    - Film contrast
    - Sky blue control
    - Plant green modification

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    hwasim, MANJU, xavier pixel and 7 others like this.