Request PRO RETOUCH - Maxim Vostrikov

Discussion in 'Photo Requests' started by Mystic Wolf, 28 Sep 2020.

  1. Mystic Wolf

    Mystic Wolf Master

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    2 Mar 2020
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    PRO retouching course program

    Module 1. Technical issues
    Lesson 1. Equipment for professional work
    Lesson 2. Introduction and setup of Lightroom and Photoshop
    Lesson 3. Tablet setup

    Module 2. Raw conversion
    Lesson 4. Raw Conversion

    Module 3. Plastic
    Lesson 5. Plastic. Basic tools
    Lesson 6. Facial plastic surgery

    Module 4. Technical cleaning
    Lesson 7. Frequency decomposition into 2 frequencies
    Lesson 8. Operations

    Module 5. Skin smoothing
    Lesson 9. Dodge & Burn
    Lesson 10. Mix-brush
    Lesson 11. Frequency decomposition into 3 frequencies
    Lesson 12. Inverted High Pass
    Lesson 13. Leatherette

    Module 6. Creating volumes and highlights
    Lesson 14. Increasing contrast
    Lesson 15. Drawing volume
    Lesson 16. Highlights

    Module 7. Working with details
    Lesson 17. Retouching eyes
    Lesson 18. Retouching teeth
    Lesson 19. Retouching hair, eyebrows and eyelashes
    Lesson 20. Correction of manicure
    Lesson 21. Retouching the studio background
    Lesson 22. Retouching lips
    Lesson 23. Retouching clothes

    Module 8. Toning
    Lesson 24. Removing red spots on the skin
    Lesson 25. Tanning

    Module 9. Saving photos
    Lesson 26. Sharpening
    Lesson 27. Saving photos
    Lesson 28. Final lesson

    Price - 20,000 RUB
    Website Link
    newrona likes this.
  2. w@rs@w

    w@rs@w Professional

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    21 Mar 2020
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    +1...would be keen for GB