Professional Video Editing with Free Software using HitFilm

Discussion in 'Video Tutorials' started by userboy, 30 Oct 2018.

  1. userboy

    userboy Silver III

    No Limit
    24 Oct 2018
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    • Pc or Mac
    • Videos to Edit either from mobile or video camera

    Are you new to video editing? Are you lacking a video editing software and can't afford Adobe Premier and the other Video Editing Software in the market? Do you want to make videos for youtube and need editing software to get started. Then this course is for you!!

    I created this course for all the people that don't have adobe premier and don't want to buy software to edit video because it's either too expensive or they just don't feel like paying for something you can get for free. I get asked all the time to recommend a video editing software so my friends can get started with Youtube and I recommend HitFilm. It does just about everything that Adobe Premier does with a similar layout without you having to pay for anything. In this course I will show you a beginner guide to editing videos with HitFilm Express by showing you how I edit one of my vlogs. I been doing Youtube for years and used many different software and there is things I can do on HitFilm that I can't do in some of the other software I use. So if you are ready to start making videos then sign up for this course today.

    Who is the target audience?
    • Beginner Video Editor
    • Aspiring Youtuber
    • Aspiring Filmmaker
    • Anyone who wants to edit video without paying for expensive software
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  2. anonzzz

    anonzzz Moderator

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    13 May 2018
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    Thanks for sharing @userboy . For your information, you don't need to have separate hide tags for each link. Example, you can have

    [ HIDE ]
    Link 1
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    Link 3
    [ /HIDE ]

    instead of

    [ HIDE ]Link 1[ /HIDE ]
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    [ HIDE ]Link 3[ /HIDE ]

    Also, if you have multiple files in mega, you can put them in a folder and share a single link for that folder.
    Last edited: 31 Oct 2018
  3. userboy

    userboy Silver III

    No Limit
    24 Oct 2018
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  4. gmgm

    gmgm Guest

    thanks ;););)
    voyage, ted12 and rohini like this.