Request PTGui 11.16 for Win or Mac

Discussion in 'Photo Requests' started by AttackGore, 29 Jul 2019.

  1. vrdude

    vrdude Moderator

    Staff Member Gold Member No Limit
    4 Jul 2017
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    1st of all, in order for anyone to crack this software, the FULL installer has to be downloaded from an account that actually bought it and gets into the hands of a cracker(s)

    2) they have strong copy protection. The Serial Number is tied to your Computer ID and stored on their server. On launch, the PTGUI checks in to the server DB and sees if BOTH Computer ID and SN match.

    3) If you (legal owner) want to use PTGUI on a different computer, you would have to log in to their server, a) remove the computer you are using now and b) activate the new computer aka add the new Computer ID to your account.

    So what is needed to do

    Find someone who owns a legal copy and ask for the FULL installer then spread it everywhere in the hope for some cracker(s) to try their magic.