Question around usenet upload (in parallel) for longer retention?

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Complaints' started by mr.c, 25 Dec 2023.

  1. mr.c

    mr.c Master

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    14 Dec 2023
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    Dear colleagues,
    coming from the usenet days with modems where a download lasted days for a few floppy disks I still still like that place as most of the time the uploads stay there (with a good provider) for years. Nowadays stuff is often encrypted but there are a lot of good forums for free where they post the file info around audio/movies etc.
    Wanted to ask has this ever been dicussed/thought of as way as (additional) storage. The way that often the standard file hosters delete (like recently Mega) the re-upload process can be tedious. Did not see any posting/discussion so far on this topic.
    Yes it requires a premium sub (I pay around 70$ for a non limited quality account) if I recall it and you can go years back.
    Or maybe I am one of the only few dinosaurs, still remembering that time of the internet ;-)
    Merry Christmas!
  2. Nikon4life

    Nikon4life Legendary Master

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    26 Jan 2020
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    Merry Christmas to you as well and Thanks for all the recent refreshing new material!

    I recall Usenet - had to toss some "Memberberries" in my tea this AM and reminisce . . .


    I remember the same loooong time for downloads and then only to discover a corrupt file (1 amongst 30-40 files that rendered the whole thing useless; and then hope for a re-post of that one file) - - - then along came Parity files to save the day . . . LOL. I nostalgically, however - did enjoy those forums . . . is each file limited to a certain size? I can't seem to recall . . .

    I guess one could save the files there as well as any other place for long time-based storage assuming it's relatively reliable and anonymous. I know many people to use seedboxes or the like to do the same thing. I'm not sure of the integration for this forum using such services. One would have to (at minimum) use an additional client [torrent-based] or subscribe to a service (Usenet provider) as you point out. I think it's a good back-up but so too is just buying additional drives (if for personal use).

    Mega- and WorkUL seem (at present) to be the backbone of the hosting for the presented material for this site with the indeed tedious task of re-uploading material again and again . . . one can always divorce themselves from this task and request others to mirror - - - some do and some don't thus eventually relegating the OP to the DEAD bin . . .

    In an ideal world (specific to this topic) the Owners/Mods would have a stable repository that's robust, secure, and provides longevity for shared material. But the obvious "risks" come along with that process as well - thus the advent of "torrents" back in the day (files were a multitude of shared responsibility - but only as good as those actively seeding) . . .

    I'd imagine this forum will eventually evolve as time marches on . . . but it's gonna take me about two years to simply get through the materiel that you've recently posted . . . :D:D . . . [and if it were the "good 'ol days" - the time to download it all would also take two years!!]

    Thanks again ;)
    gamlate, mr.c and xiaoyuer like this.
  3. mr.c

    mr.c Master

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    14 Dec 2023
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    Thanks for you excellent long response much appreciated ;-) made me laugh several times. Yes those par files still come in handy at times. Before that it was also a challenge to find the best usenet provider and it was needed to get creative at times to get the missing different parts from different usenet providers. Don't recall the programm at the time that could do that. Was fun though :D
    Hm shall I post less, is this too annoying... dont want to be that annoying at all ;-)
    Merry Christmas!
    Nikon4life likes this.
  4. Nikon4life

    Nikon4life Legendary Master

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    26 Jan 2020
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    I think anyone would best be served some "annoyances" and self-assess to be most grateful! Blessings and all the fixin's to you and yours! :)