Other Language [RUS] Elena Minakova - Photo manipulation and concept art (2023)

Discussion in 'Photo Tutorials' started by Arina, 3 Apr 2023.

  1. Arina

    Arina Guest



    New opportunities will open up for you:
    Learn to think creatively and use
    photo manipulation techniques in any situation
    You can create amazing photo art
    for yourself and even for customers
    Master a creative hobby and you will
    enjoy creativity
    Become an in-demand specialist
    skills in the design and digital graphics industry

    Chapter 1
    Photo manipulation and photo art

    Author: Elena Minakova

    3 lessons - 9 hours 34 minutes

    In this chapter, the author will reveal the tricks, tricks and techniques used by all professionals and experts in the 2D graphics industry.

    You will learn how to add volume to photographs taken at home, where the main characters will be children, adults and animals.

    In the first lesson, you will learn how to create source files and collect family photo art from them - an ideal gift option for parents and loved ones.

    In the second tutorial, you will create fantasy neon art for the interior of the room. Just imagine how the result printed on canvas will look like on your wall at home! A close-up of the face and an exciting composition are always in demand among customers.

    In the third lesson, you will create a composition with two characters. You will understand how to create a dark time of day and how to make your work stand out with two dominant colors.

    In the lessons, you will learn in practice how to create a contour glow, do color correction, toning, selection / cutting / replacing objects - all the magic of Photoshop will be revealed from simple to complex.
    1. Photo art for the customer "Wild Berry"
    + Video shooting of sources
    2. Photo art "In nature"
    3.Photo art for the interior "Mysterious Forest"

    Chapter 2
    concept art
    Author: Elena Minakova

    2 lessons - 12 hours 20 minutes

    In this chapter, you will begin to create thoughtful concept art, understand how to hook, direct the attention of the viewer and manipulate him.

    It is in this chapter that you will master the skills of a concept artist, even without art education.

    In the first lesson, step by step from simple to complex, you will create a new world from the source. Immerse the main character into a mysterious situation with an island floating in the clouds.

    In the second lesson, you will learn step by step how to implement large commercial projects for customers.

    You will create a fantastic concept art for a real Kazan brand in the field of street food from scratch.

    You will see the entire process of working on an order: from the development of an idea to the final presentation for the customer.

    At the end of the course, you will get a portfolio of 5 bright, juicy, thought out to the smallest detail works.

    1. Concept art "Island in the clouds"
    2.Concept art for the Cyberdelivery brand:
    Stage 1 - Idea development

    Creating a moodboard and board with references

    Stage 2 - Idea development
    We create source codes at the location (basic plan, background, details)

    Stage 3 - Shooting in the studio
    Creating sources on a green background (characters)

    Stage 4 - Compositing in Adobe Photoshop
    Assembling all the elements into a single composition

    Stage 5 − Finalization
    Preparing a presentation for the client

    Result of the 2nd chapter
    Click on photo to see Before/After

    satof14444, Tahina, ekc_1971 and 22 others like this.
  2. carloslara

    carloslara Silver III

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    10 Jan 2023
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    Include english subtitles?
  3. Arina

    Arina Guest

  4. carloslara

    carloslara Silver III

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    10 Jan 2023
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    Ok ok I get it :rolleyes:
  5. Arina

    Arina Guest

  6. j7u9A

    j7u9A New Member

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  7. ochenzloyded

    ochenzloyded Gold

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    The lessons in the folders are mixed up and repeated. For example, section 2 file 07 is identical to section 3 file 07. And so on.
  8. diosdado

    diosdado Silver IV

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    duplicate files