Request Sam Dawson - Fired Up - Content Course

Discussion in 'Video Requests' started by olivia.states, 18 Jul 2024.

  1. olivia.states

    olivia.states New Member

    8 Jul 2024
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    WEEK 1
    Idea & Scripting
    A great idea is the foundation upon which successful content is built, as it can be enhanced through effective visuals and editing. Ideas can come at any moment and in various forms, and how you use that energy to ignite your motivation and create something amazing will be crucial in your success.
    In this module, we will explore three primary sources for generating ideas — Your Inspirations, Your Perspective, and Your Character — providing a pathway to develop your style and generate fresh content ideas.

    The module is split into the following lessons:

    The Idea

    - Where do you get your inspiration from?
    - What does it mean to create content from your perspective?
    - Why is including your character in your content important?
    - Finding your unique style as a creator
    - Idea Generation

    - Building Your Structure
    - What should your script look like?
    - Finding Your unique style when scripting

    WEEK 2
    The objectives of this filming module include understanding different camera types, cover basics of lighting and audio setups, and also how to engage viewers when filming oneself. We want you to experience the same exhilaration of capturing great shots, and to do that, you need to understand the theory side well. Sam also talks about his pre-filming anxiety and offers tips to overcome it, such as establishing a routine and mindset.

    On top of the theory outlined in this module, Sam show us a full breakdown, letting us in on every decision he makes and why (previous students have LOVED these breakdowns).

    The module is split into the following lessons:
    - Understanding the difference between cameras, and when to use each setup.
    - Camera settings
    - Microphone Setups
    - Lighting
    - Shot Composition
    - Attention drop-off
    - Talking to camera, and things to consider when filming yourself
    - Shooting B-Roll, or filming Behind The Scenes content
    - Filming My Video (Full Breakdown)

    WEEK 3
    Editing is everything when it comes to bringing a vision to life and crafting a compelling story. In this module, we discuss the power of editing to transform raw footage and enhance storytelling through various techniques like music, effects, and pacing. I also share personal editing practices for short and long-form videos, emphasising the importance of experimentation and finding YOUR unique style. We also cover software selection, file organisation, music selection, indexing a track, building a "block edit," and the full editing process.

    Sam includes a full 3 hour editing breakdown, where he shows and explains every decision he makes and why.

    The Edit
    - What software do I use? Both on Desktop, and Phone Apps.
    - Structuring Your Files
    - The importance of music / Where can I get good music from?
    - Indexing your music for an edit
    - Doing a Block Edit
    - Editing my video (Full Breakdown)

    Aftercare Module
    - Dealing with criticism
    - Course Outrro

    He serves as a video editor for numerous UK artists, including Max Fosh.Visit his YouTube channel to learn more.
    website link :
    thebuck and Fearless like this.