Sarah Petty & Erin Verbeck - Worth Every Penny (Audiobook)

Discussion in 'Other Related Downloads' started by Vanya, 3 Jan 2022.

  1. Vanya

    Vanya Gold

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    1 Jun 2018
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    AUDIOBOOK: Worth Every Penny: Build a Business That Thrills Your Customers and Still Charge What You're Worth
    by Sarah Petty & Erin Verbeck

    Many photographers and small business owners feel pressure to discount their products and services, especially when times are tough. After all, how else will they keep up with the low prices offered by their discounting competitors? What they don't realize is that discounting is the last thing they should be doing if they want to win big. Sarah Petty and Erin Verbeck are here to show you that there's a radically different way to run your business-- one in which the owners focus on creating specialized offerings and an over-the-top customer experience, not on matching the prices of their competition. Worth Every Penny encourages you to explore and use the boutique model, which is designed to maximize your advantages over discounting competitors.

    This is an audiobook version. The Ebook version was posted here.

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