Gold SBE - Lighting - Natural Studio Light

Discussion in 'Sue Bryce Education' started by convectuoso, 4 Apr 2018.

  1. convectuoso

    convectuoso Moderator

    Staff Member Lifetime Gold Gold Member No Limit
    15 Feb 2018
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    Ever wonder how Sue gets that super soft and beautiful look in her portraits? Learn how to manipulate natural light, use v-flats, reflectors, scrims, and backlight to create stunning images for your clients.

    Key points:

    • Have your assistant or a friend hold a piece of foam core for the ultimate reflector.
    • Work out where the “hot spots” are in your studio for natural light – areas where the light fills in the most.
    • When using a vflat as a backdrop, turn it 45 degrees towards the window to get that beautiful flat flight.
    • If you’re shooting outside, you can create a “lightbox” using two vflats, and scrim over the top (TIP: you can also use chaffon fabric instead of a scrim)
    • Recreate natural light by using a kino shining through a scrim.
    • Using an ND Filter on your lens can give you even more control over the amount of light you let in.
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    Last edited: 9 Jul 2019
    STZDZN, spiltmilk, bobhoward and 81 others like this.