Gold SBE - Marketing - Face Campaign

Discussion in 'Sue Bryce Education' started by convectuoso, 4 Apr 2018.

  1. convectuoso

    convectuoso Moderator

    Staff Member Lifetime Gold Gold Member No Limit
    15 Feb 2018
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    What do you feel strongly about?

    What do you love to talk about?

    For many many years I identified that one of my favorite subjects and greatest missions in life is to talk about transformation on all levels – physical, personal, spiritual, and in business.

    I have found ways to put this message into everything I do,
    like #50IsFabulous and #ExistInPhotos to name a few.

    In this video we are going to talk about finding our ‘campaign’, a series of cohesive marketing images and words that communicate a strong purpose in us. Our campaign helps us identify a reason and establish a connection to having a Portrait taken.

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    Last edited: 9 Jul 2019
    diosdado, Olya, siggy and 62 others like this.