Gold SBE - Marketing - Marketing Business-To-Business

Discussion in 'Sue Bryce Education' started by convectuoso, 4 Apr 2018.

  1. convectuoso

    convectuoso Moderator

    Staff Member Lifetime Gold Gold Member No Limit
    15 Feb 2018
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    How do you create amazing business networks and opportunities?

    How do you build relationships with other fellow business owners in your town and make it work for them and your business?

    How do you create an alliance network of like-minded business owners that are all interested in the same thing – more clients, more sales, and more word of mouth?

    Today you are going to learn how to build business-to-business relationships, how to make them work, and how to convert them into clients.

    Join me for this course and I am going to show you how to become so valuable that you are an asset to this group.

    Learn how you can enhance their business while building yours up at the same time. This is not about cold calling, it’s about understanding that the gifts that you have and how incredibly valuable they are when you understand the power of what you can do for others.

    Build a powerful network. Step into your own power as a business owner. Market with confidence. Build relationships.

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    Last edited: 9 Jul 2019