Gold SBE - Sales - Average Sale

Discussion in 'Sue Bryce Education' started by convectuoso, 7 Apr 2018.

  1. convectuoso

    convectuoso Moderator

    Staff Member Lifetime Gold Gold Member No Limit
    15 Feb 2018
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    Learn how your average sale should be the most important thing you not only focus on, but simply KNOW, for success in your business. Sue coaches us on how problems in our business is never with our client or competition, but with ourselves. Learn about the questions you should ask yourself each day, how to properly reflect back on each shoot to get more out of the next, and the importance of having a mentor. Finally, Sue shares with us the best business advice she has yet to give. Hint: it has to do with bums.

    Key Points:

    * You should always know what your average sale is. BE HONEST with yourself and include the no sales.

    * Knowing your average sale helps you focus on how to lift your average INSTEAD of thinking about how to get more money

    * The more consistently you provide excellent service and product, the more people will talk about you, the more bums on seats you will get. Start doing this and you will make money!

    * Once what you are doing starts feeling really good to you and you are at a value point that is very comfortable to you, you will start moving products and attracting people. When your energy is in alignment, you can’t help but not do it!

    * When you get a no sale, instead of complaining about it, ask yourself WHAT DID I DO WRONG? It is not the economy or what the photographer down the street is doing.

    * If your average sale isn’t where you want it to be, YOU are the reason it is going wrong and Sue will bring it back to you every time.

    * If your income isn’t where you want it to be, you need minimize your costs. If it doesn’t make the ship go faster, don’t buy it!

    * If you get a no sale, You either:

    • Did not connect with your clients
    • Did not educate your clients
    • Did not give adequate service to my clients
    • Did not follow through
    • Did not produce the product that you promised
    * You are your own boss and you need to ask yourself where you are falling down. If you need support, go get a mentor! If your partner isn’t supporting you around your business, stop talking to him about it! A mentor will tell you honestly what you are doing wrong and support you.

    * People email Sue on a regular basis saying they want to quit if they got a no sale. If you want to quit every time you get a no sale, you are struggling with your own value. You perceive that the lack of value is coming from an outside source and it’s not!

    * ANYTHING THAT BRINGS YOUR AVERAGE UP OR DOWN IS A LESSON. Have a look at your big sales and your low sales and think about what happened during those shoots. What was your energy level like? Did you connect? Your answers will be right there!

    * SERVICE IS ABOUT GIVING. What you are GIVING to get paid. You must come to the shoot in a state of giving, not worrying about whether or not you are going to get paid.

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    Last edited by a moderator: 6 Sep 2019
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