Gold SBE - Sales - Hearing No In Sales

Discussion in 'Sue Bryce Education' started by convectuoso, 7 Apr 2018.

  1. convectuoso

    convectuoso Moderator

    Staff Member Lifetime Gold Gold Member No Limit
    15 Feb 2018
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    Tammy Zurak left a corporate sales job to start a business as a glamour photographer – which is now thriving! Sue was blown away the first time she heard Tammy’s belief that if a potential client says, “No”, they just haven’t been properly convinced yet. Go through her selling process step by step and you’ll start believing that “No” really means “Not yet.”

    Key Points:

    • Providing a service means that it is never about you or what you’re getting. What could you do to help them?
    • Same goes for when connecting with other businesses. “If I was them, what would I need?”
    • Stop acting like this is out of people’s reach. When people want to pay for something, they will find a way to pay for it.

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    Last edited by a moderator: 6 Sep 2019
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