Gold SBE - Sales - The Consultation

Discussion in 'Sue Bryce Education' started by convectuoso, 7 Apr 2018.

  1. convectuoso

    convectuoso Moderator

    Staff Member Lifetime Gold Gold Member No Limit
    15 Feb 2018
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    One of the most pivotal points in a sale happens at the very beginning: the consultation. Learn how to use the in-person consultation to benefit both yourself and your client.

    Ever since Sue began working in a studio, the rule has always been


    Key Points:

    * If you don’t do the consultation, be prepared for your clients to come to the shoot UNPREPARED.

    * Often when clients cancel their shoot or if it was a low/no sale, it goes back to not having a proper consultation in person or on the phone.

    * You must educate your clients about your priceless BEFORE THE SHOOT. You must talk to them about their shoot.

    * Ask them questions: What are you going to use your photos for? How would you like to be photographed? Are you drawn more to black on black or do you love the backlight? DO NOT DO THIS BY EMAIL

    * In order to CONNECT with your clients, you must be in-person or on the phone. Connection is everything!

    * When they ask you how much you cost, don’t avoid it! Tell them and then ask them a question.

    * Make the conversation actually turn into a conversation about what they want. Talk about COST, PRODUCT, and EXPERIENCE during your consultation, but it must be seamless and a flowing conversation. Practice this!

    * THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IS: You must believe what you are saying. Your value aura will show while you are marketing and selling.

    * If you don’t believe you are worth what you charge, other people won’t either!

    * During the consultation, SHOW THEM YOUR FOLIO. Whether it is in person with a folio box or on your website, you must show them.

    * When you are talking about what you do, you must TALK WITH ENTHUSIASM. Do not use being an introvert as an excuse! If you love what you do, you will talk with enthusiasm!

    * Not every inquiry and consultation will shoot and that’s okay. Let them go. But, if someone comes for a shoot and then they don’t buy because you didn’t educate them, then you have wasted your time and energy.

    * Every opportunity that you are on the phone or in person with them is an opportunity to connect.


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    Last edited by a moderator: 6 Sep 2019
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