SEE THE WORLD - 20 Lessons for Stronger Travel Photographs by David duCheminn

Discussion in 'Photo eBooks' started by Nikon4life, 18 Sep 2023.

  1. Nikon4life

    Nikon4life Legendary Master

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    26 Jan 2020
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    SEE THE WORLD - 20 Lessons for Stronger Travel Photographs by David duChemin

    More Info HERE


    The best photographs from around the world have little to do with the camera that was used or how compact the tripod was; they have everything to do with the photographer you bring with you. See The World is an investment in that photographer: you.

    This 210-page PDF eBook (and 80-page companion Northern Kenya Case Study) covers some of the concerns of traveling, such as which cameras to take, preparing packing lists, how to deal with carry-on luggage restrictions, choosing tripods and bags, but those are just the trivial details. The important details are in the 20 lessons designed to teach you what I believe is the real art of traveling with a camera while experiencing new places, landscapes, and cultures. See the World outlines the importance of storytelling and finding elements of the visual language that help you tell those stories, dealing with people, and working through the creative process of seeing places for the first time. This book summarizes the real work of making photographs that are more visually arresting and emotionally compelling.

    Included in the book are interviews with veteran photographers Bob Krist and Art Wolfe, both of whom have traveled the world for the span of their respective careers.

    See The World also includes a bonus eBook: Northern Kenya, A Case Study for Stronger Travel Photographs. Want to know how I make captivating portraits under the blazing sun? Want to know how I capture moments and gestures from people who speak another language? Northern Kenya, A Case Study for Stronger Travel Photographs, will tell you how. This companion piece to See the World includes 80 pages, 45 photographs, and a 17-minute downloadable video tutorial on post-production decisions and techniques in Lightroom.

    In total See The World is almost 300 pages of insight and inspiration for photographers wanting to do more than just make snapshots of the places they love, whether that’s around the block or on the other side of the planet.


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  2. aileron747

    aileron747 Silver IV

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  3. Coraline

    Coraline Legendary

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    27 Jan 2024
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    Thanks a lot.
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