Skillshare - Branding Essentials: Create Loyal Clients Through Strategic Customer-Centricity

Discussion in 'Other Related Downloads' started by pamscot, 10 Sep 2020.

  1. pamscot

    pamscot Grand Master

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    12 Oct 2018
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    Branding Essentials: Create Loyal Clients Through Strategic Customer-Centricity

    The Future of Brand Building is Customer Centricity!

    I feel that branding has been brand-focused for too long, without much consideration for the customer. It has been a one to many approach for ages, and relied on a ‘build it and they will come’ mentality.

    But today, customers are starting to get the upper hand, with the ability to change service providers and products after a quick Google search, if something is not to their liking.

    So as a brand builder and owner, you need a way to make customers initially pay attention to your brand and business, but even more importantly, you need a way to make them stay.

    I have a decade of experience in the world of UX design where everything is focused around the User’s Needs, and so I’ve found it very natural to combine it with my passion for Branding.

    In this class I’m going to show you my method of injecting a customer-centric approach into the way a brand does business, from a branding perspective.

    This change of mindset is what’s going to make your brand stand out from those companies who don’t consider human needs in their business.

    I invite you to enroll now and I will see you in the next video.

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