Skillshare - Create Abstract NFT Crypto Art with Cinema 4D + Photoshop

Discussion in 'Other Related Downloads' started by felixfischer, 10 Mar 2021.

  1. felixfischer

    felixfischer Master

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    29 Mar 2018
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    Create Abstract NFT Crypto Art with Cinema 4D + Photoshop

    Bildschirmfoto 2021-03-10 um 18.09.52.png

    Welcome to this course on Creating Abstract NFT Crypto Art Using Cinema 4D + Photoshop.
    In this series of lessons we will cover a lot of topics to give you a solid understanding of the crypto art space
    01. The creative and technical process involved in creating crypto art with an overview of 4 pieces covering 3D modeling, texturing, lighting and post-production.
    • 3D Modeling in Cinema 4D: Splines, Sweep Nurbs, Loft Nurbs, Mograph, Clone to Object, Effectors, Array Generator.
    • Texturing workflows for consistency using standard materials color, reflectance, and luminance channels.
    • Sketch and Toon shader.
    • Directional, spot, area and visible light settings.
    • Post-Production techniques in Adobe Photoshop including compositing multi-pass and cel renders, file organization, masking, light effects, and adjustment layers.
    02. Resources for educating yourself about the crypto art space and cryptocurrency.
    • Web Links
    • Articles
    • Crypto Art Podcasts
    • Cryptocurrency Basics
    • Art Genres
    • Top Artists
    03. Potential risks you may encounter.
    • High fees: Ethereum Fee + Gas Fees + Minting Fee
    • Failed transactions
    • Missing artwork and solution.
    04. Submit your artist profile to various curated websites.
    • Includes an actionable checklist of to-do items.
    • Discussion of curated online galleries.
    05. Creating your first NFT.
    • Metamask
    • Wyre
    • Rarible

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    Last edited: 10 Mar 2021