skillshare - How To Create A Flat Design Island in Affinity Designer

Discussion in 'Skillshare' started by sonofgod, 18 May 2019.

  1. sonofgod

    sonofgod New Member

    17 May 2019
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    In this class you wll learn Affinity Designer in the most practical of ways - by designing actual flat design artwork.

    You will create

    • a flat design island
    • a flat design sea
    • a flat design sun and clouds
    Don't worry if you are a total beginner in Affinity Designer.

    All techniques are simple and easy to follow, so you can quickly learn all you need to know, to start using Affinity Designer independently.

    Inside you will learn how

    • create artwok using Designer's custom shapes
    • transform objects using simple techniques
    • use a bit more advanced, but still easy to learn, path operations

    skillshare link :

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