Gold Skillshare - My Class Lightroom Magic! Create A Beautiful Soft Focus Portrait Effect by Joe Houghton

Discussion in 'Skillshare' started by Lion, 19 Dec 2019.

  1. Lion

    Lion Professional

    No Limit
    21 Oct 2019
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    It's the first of a planned series on different ways to use Lightroom to edit and present images.

    However, after watching the class, I'm thinking that I might well need to change the title - so I plan to run the current title through the Headline Analyser and see what else might rank better. I also need to sell the benefits of this more early in my intro segment I think?

    This is my second class so far - I will be running 2 separate series - 1 on business tools (I lecture in University on business) and the other on photography (I also run a photography business)

    All comments and suggestions gratefully received!

    Thanks for a really useful class!

    Joe Houghton

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    nefuk, uniquelyme, Tanlan and 15 others like this.