Gold Skillshare - Video Editing: How to Edit and Upload Your First YouTube Video

Discussion in 'Skillshare' started by Lion, 21 Dec 2020.

  1. Lion

    Lion Gold Nova

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    21 Oct 2019
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    Video Editing How to Edit and Upload Your First YouTube Video  Erin Lyons  Skillshare.jpg

    About This Class

    Throughout this course, I will give students the tools and techniques that I have found most effective in making engaging and successful videos. Students will then use these skills to edit their own video in Premiere Pro and upload their first video to YouTube.

    Hi my name is Erin Lyons, welcome to “Video Editing: How to Edit and Upload Your First YouTube Video.”

    I started video editing over 3 years ago by creating dance films but now I specialize in vlog style videos; I’ve posted nearly 100 travel vlogs over the past year and a half to my YouTube channel called Traveling Atlas.


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